Lab Fee Information

Lab Fee InformationInstructor

Mr. Ciotkosz

Pathways to Engineering

Room 904Phone: (754) 323-2400. ext 3116


To Whom This May Concern:


In our Pathways to Engineering classes, we are collecting a twenty dollar (20.00) lab fee that will be used for class projects and supplies. Students will be taking home several projects over the course of this year.


Please have Lab Fee Paid by DATE      10/20/2011.  You may take care of this process online at the Broward County Public Schools - Online School Payments. 

Web Site:                     

Look For Our School:               Western High School

Look For Class:                       Pathways to Engineering - LAB FEE

Look For Teachers:                 Mr. Ciotkosz / Mr. Moore


 *** PLEASE print receipt and have your child bring in for verification.  Please place your childs name and period on the receipt.

If you have any questions, please feel free to call or e-mail me before due date.


Best Regards,


                        Mr. Ciotkosz